Sunday, July 27, 2008

A return to civilization.

After three days in the Sierras including a scramble up to Cottonwood Lake #6 and culminating with a hike to the top of Mt. Whitney, I opted to lay low for a week.

Truth be told, there was no real opting; I had a lot of stuff to take care of that I'd neglected the week leading up to the trip. So I didn't run much for a few days. I even blew off the training run for the upcoming Mt. Disappointment 50K. Here's hoping I don't regret it.

But today I decided to bang out a quick eight miles. The day was hot, so of course I decide to get out at 12:30 in the afternoon—and so of course it wasn't all that quick either. I do enjoy running in the heat, so even though I didn't break any records I had a good time. It's always good to get back at it after some time off. I even helped a young gent from some foreign land with directions to the nearest Gold Line station. It's funny how often I get stopped by someone asking for directions.